Videos, Audio Interviews, and More
Dr. Mayim Bialik evaluated Microdosing with Jordan Gruber and Jim.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 42 mins. March 11, 2025
Joe Moe of Depresh Mode conducted a timely discussion with Jordan Gruber and Jim.
The interview runs for 47 mins. February 24, 2025
Emily Francis of All About Healing spoke with Jordan Gruber and Jim.
The interview runs for 57 mins. February 24, 2025
Hein of Microdosing Institute talked with Jordan Gruber and Jim for a thorough discussion.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 37 mins. February 21, 2025
Ben Greenfield of Boundless Life Podcast spoke with Jordan Gruber and Jim.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 14 mins. February 20, 2025
Dana Harvey of Flourish Academy spoke with Jordan Gruber and later with Jim, starting at 58:00.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 52 mins. February 16, 2025
Zach Leary of Psychedelics Then and Now talked to Jim and Jordan Gruber, starting at 1:04.
The interview runs for 1 hour. February 11, 2025
Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast interviewed Jim and Jordan Gruber, starting at 6:43.
The interview runs for 1 hour. January 21, 2025
Double Blind hosted a webinar called, "Microdosing Breakthroughs: Research, Clinical Surprises, and New Dimensions in Coaching." Jim talks for around twenty minutes, starting at 8:22.
The Webinar runs for 2 hours and 12 minutes. November 17, 2024
Youtube Video
Dan Riley interviewed Jim for the Keep Talking Podcast
The episode runs for 1 hour and 2 minutes. June 14, 2024
A Podcast
Caroline Casey interviewed Jim on KPFA for The Visionary Activist Show.
The episode runs for 59 minutes. May 16, 2024
A Podcast
Jim was interviewed by award-winning filmmaker, author, and distribution strategist Jon Reiss, for Jon's new podcast, Plantscendence.
Now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, Plantscendence follows Reiss on a transformative journey as he explores the world of entheogens and the profound impact plant medicines have on healing, personal growth, and artistic expression with leading experts, healers, and teachers.
First season guests include musician Vera Sola, pioneer of microdosing Jim Fadiman, actress Gina Gershon, U.S. Army veteran and facilitator Itzel Barakat, grief counselor Larry Carlat and healers Sitaramaya Sita, Chor Boogie, Spring Washam, Tricia Eastman.
All Platforms for Plantscendence here:
The episode runs for 49 minutes. March 13, 2024
A Reel
Beth Weinstein of the Medicine For These Times Podcast interviewed Dr. James Fadiman before the free Psychedelic Soul Summit
Register at no-cost here & join us Sept 19th-29th
The reel runs for 1 minute and 5 seconds. September 21, 2023
A Podcast
Dr. David Rabin interviewed Jordan Gruber and Dr. James Fadiman on the podcast, The Psychedelic Report with Dr. Dave
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour and 13 minutes. March 27, 2023
Youtube Video
Esalen and Adam Bramlage invited Jim for a webinar, Microdosing: Start Low, Go Slow
The webinar runs for 58 minutes. Dec 8, 2022
A Podcast
Scott Barry Kaufman interviewed Dr. James Fadiman on the podcast, The Psychology Podcast
Click here to listen
The webinar runs for 52 minutes. Sep 29, 2022
Youtube Video
Psychedelics Today invited Jim for the discussion PT353 – Kyle Buller interviews Dr James Fadiman, Dr Sam Gandy, & Dr David Luke on Psychedelics and Creativity
The symposium runs for 1 hour 34 minutes. Sep 8, 2022
Youtube Video
Harvard Law School's Petrie-Flom Center invited Jim to be the keynote speaker for their symposium, A Macro View of Microdosing
Click here or the video below to watch the interview
The symposium runs for 1 hour 34 minutes. Apr 22, 2022
Youtube Video
Susan Guner spoke with Jim for Psychedelic Conversations
Click here or the video below to watch the interview
The interview runs for 1 hour 5 minutes. Mar 6, 2022
A Podcast
Jake Feinberg interviewed Dr. James Fadiman on the podcast, The Jake Feinberg Show
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour 24 minutes and starts at 1:34. February 22, 2022
A Podcast
Dr. David Nutt interviewed Dr. James Fadiman on the podcast, The Drug science Podcast
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour 2 minutes. February 2, 2022
Youtube Video
Microdosing Institute interviewed Jim on their Youtube Channel
Click here or the video below to watch the interview
The interview runs for 2 hours. May 26, 2021
A Podcast
Jim Rutt interviewed Jordan Gruber and Jim on the podcast, Jim Rutt Podcast
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour 32 minutes. May 17, 2021
A Podcast
Sam Harris interviewed Jim on the podcast, Making Sense
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour 3 minutes. March 23, 2021
A Podcast
Ben Greenfield interviewed Jim on the podcast, Ben Greenfield Fitness
Click here to listen
The podcast runs for 1 hour 14 minutes. February 18, 2021
Youtube video
An interview with Jerry Brown
for a Florida International University course titled: "Psychedelics and Culture"
The video runs for 49 minutes. February 17, 2021
A Podcast
Lynn Marie Morski, MD, Esq. interviewed Jim on her The Art of Microdosing with James Fadiman & Adam Bramlage
Whole interview on Spotify:
The podcast runs for 58 minutes. December 9, 2020
Youtube video
San Francisco Psychedelic Society – Veterans Microdosing Webinar With James Fadiman
An interview with Adam Bramlage and Danielle and Seth of the San Francisco Psychedelics Society and several equally awesome veterans
The video runs for 2 hours and 18 minutes. November 17, 2020
Click here for information about San Francisco Psychedelic Society's event, "The Microdosing Movement" on Sunday, December 13 – Tuesday January 19, 2021
Click here for the facebook event page
Thanks to @cuquishow @hummingbird_medicinals @veteranswalkandtalk @psychedelicwalkandtalk @afutureforvets @operationevac
Youtube video
Wild Health – James Fadiman on Microdosing and Your Symphony of Selves Microdosing & Your Symphony of Selves
An interview with Dr. Matt and Dr. Mike of the WildHealth Podcast
The video runs for 45 minutes. November 9, 2020
Click here for the audio version of this interview
Youtube video
Dr. Jim Fadiman on Microdosing & Your Symphony of Selves
An interview with Dr. Richard Miller of Mind, Body, Health &, Politics
It runs for 2 hours, 3 minutes. October 27, 2020
Click here for the audio version of this interview
Listen to "Dr. Jim Fadiman on Microdosing & Our Multiple Selves (ft. Dr. Nicolas Cozzi)" on Spreaker.
Youtube video
A talk with Kwasi Adusei, DNP, PMHNP-BC from MAPS
This is part of the EntheoGeneration speaker series.
The video runs for 1 hour, 21 minutes, 11 seconds. September 2, 2020
A Podcast
"James Fadiman: Your Symphony of Selves" with Paul O'Brien of the Pathways Podcast.
Click here to listen to the interview.
The interview runs for 26 minutes. August 27, 2020
A Podcast
"JAMES FADIMAN and JORDAN GRUBER – authors Your Symphony of Selves", Tributaries Radio
Click here to hear the interview
The interview runs for 37 minutes. August 23, 2020
A Podcast
Lynn Marie Morski, MD, Esq. interviewed Jim on her Plant Medicine Podcast, for Plant Medicine.
Whole interview at:
The podcast runs for 1 hour and 32 minutes. August 2020
Dr. Fadiman noted: "This is as complete a set of answers to questions asked as I have ever had the space to do with a wonderful host whose own knowledge of psychedelics is extensive."
Youtube video
"James Fadiman interview 2019" from microdosing NL
The video runs for 20 minutes, 47 seconds. May 26, 2019
Youtube video
"The Remarkable Results of Microdosing: James Fadiman" from scienceandnonduality
The video runs for 30 minutes, 39 seconds. April 18, 2019
Youtube video
"Microdosing – A Psychedelic Exploration" from Sanne Beijer
The video runs for 17 minutes, 42 seconds. November 20, 2018
Dr. Fadiman noted: "This short video has just been released and is an easy to follow story about microdosing."
A Symposium: "Microdosing: The Benefits, Risks, & Unknowns w/ Jim Fadiman & Ayelet Waldman" from Psychedelic Seminars
The video runs for 1 hour, 44 minutes, 15 seconds. October 23, 2018
The symposium starts at 15 minutes and 15 seconds into the video.
A webinar with Dr. Sophia Korb by
the Toronto Psychedelic society
The video runs for 1 hour, 33 minutes, 21 seconds. January 20, 2018
Jim notes: "This webinar is a half Jim presenting past history and half Sophia presenting some of our data,including some new results, followed by some Q and A. My presentation has some serious drop-outs (lost words or phrases). So when it happens, it is not your system."
A video
Dr. Fadiman noted, regarding the video: "The first 2 1/2 minutes of this have the soundtrack in English over the sound track in Russian. Once Dr. Fadiman comes on, the sound is fine. This interview was for a series for Russian Television."
The video runs for 27 minutes, 11 seconds. August 2017
A video by
Andrea Gilbert and Daniel Cleland
Dr. Fadiman comments: "I did this 32 minute interview at the MAPS conference for an Ayahausca center in Peru making a documentary. As I have no personal experience with Ayahausca, anything I say here must be put against real experience. However, the interviewer asked a number of more general questions that may interest those of you who are involved in improving the interface between humans and the rest of the natural world. Please add in corrections when my speculations do not agree with your actual experiences."
The video runs for 1 minute, 8 seconds. May 2017
A video by
"Psychedelic Drugs: The Future of Mental Health"
The video runs for 9 minutes, 22 seconds. May 12, 2017
A talk by James Fadiman & Sophia Korb: “Microdosing – The Phenomenon, Research Results & Startling Surprises”
MAPS Psychedelic Science Conference 2017
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
The video runs for 1 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds. April 27, 2017
Youtube video by SBCC School of Extended Learning, February 27, 2017
Mind SuperMind with Jim Fadiman, New Paradigms and New Tools for the Mind
The video runs for 2 hours, 8 minutes and 30 seconds
Microdosing Segment on the The Today Show
This interview with Ayelet Waldman features Dr. James Fadiman.
The video runs for 4 minutes 35 seconds, and Jim appears at 2:36–2:59. February 8, 2017.
Please click here to go directly to the video page.
Youtube Video of a 1997 short talk by Dr. Fadiman, regarding transpersonal psychology and some of its history.
The video runs for 16 minutes and 48 seconds. November 2016.
A meetup speaking event organized by Peak Performance, San Francisco, CA. The event featured Dr. Molly Maloof and Dr. James Fadiman.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 6 minutes. May 11, 2016.
A video
Jim Fadiman on "Cultural Implications of Altered State of Consciousness" from Max Velmans
The video runs for 1 hour 31 minutes and 41 seconds. August 2014.
James Fadiman - Can Psychedelics Accelerate Scientific Problem Solving from gaiamedia
The video runs for 58 minutes, 51 seconds. April 21, 2014
Youtube video of Dr. Fadiman's keynote address at the 2013 Global Transpersonal Symposium which was co-hosted by the Association of Transpersonal Psychology and Sofia University.
The video runs for 56 minutes and 56 seconds. February 9, 2013.
YouTube Video of Dr. Fadiman's talk at
the Science and Nonduality (SAND) Conference which was held in San Jose, CA
The video runs for 25 minutes. October 26, 2013.
Video from Sofia University,
Dr. James Fadiman and Brad Burge (Communications Director of MAPS)
Psychedelic Experience, a Discussion with James Fadiman and Brad Burge. May 2013
(Video no longer available)
Video from the 12th Annual International Bioethics Forum in Madison Wisconsin. "Can Psychedelics Accelerate Scientific Problem Solving: The Research and the Possibilities". April 2013
Videos from MAPS, 2nd Annual Psychedelic Science Conference.
Scientific Problem Solving with Psychedelics - Dr. James Fadiman April 2013
Workshop with Dr. Thomas B. Roberts and Dr. James Fadiman
"Psychedelic Horizons Beyond Psychotherapy Conference" from Psychedelic Science. April 2013
Documentary, Late 1960's
The Atlantic wrote an article on Nov 19, 2013 entitled, "Peek Into Late 1960s Drug Culture." It featured an excerpt of a documentary film featuring Dr. Fadiman
Here is the full documentary, "Drugs in Our Culture." Dr. Fadiman wrote the script and worked with a film maker at KQED to make this film which is the first of six in a series. He appears at the beginning.
Youtube Video, Published October 5, 2015
Youtube Video, April 2013
MAPS Second Annual Psychedelic Science Conference 2013,MAPS
Psychedelic Science & Me: James Fadiman
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) interviewed Dr. Fadiman to ask about why he studies psychedelics, what his research into psychedelics shows, and what he looks forward to experiencing at the upcoming Psychedelic Science Conference in April 2013.
The video runs 2 minutes and 25 seconds.
Video Extra from the documentary, "Science and Sacraments"
March 2013
Psychedelic Journey Creates a Shift in Perspective with James Fadiman
The video runs 42 seconds.
Youtube Video
MAPS Event - Buddhism and Psychedelics (Part 1/3, video length of 53 mins.)
Reverend Kyoko Henkel and Dr. Fadiman spoke at a MAPS event entitled, "Buddhism and Psychedelics" on October 20, 2012 in Santa Cruz, CA.
Please click here to go to the MAPS page for the event.
Please click here to go to the MAPS podcast page for the event and look for Episodes 13 and 14 to download or hear the audio-only versions.
Here's part 1 of that evening.
Youtube Video
MAPS Event - Buddhism and Psychedelics (Part 2/3, video length 49 mins)
Reverend Kyoko Henkel and Dr. Fadiman spoke at an event entitled, "Buddhism and Psychedelics" on October 20, 2012 in Santa Cruz, CA.
Here's part 2 of the evening.
Youtube Video
MAPS Event - Buddhism and Psychedelics (Part 3/3, video length 34 mins)
Reverend Kyoko Henkel and Dr. Fadiman spoke at an event entitled, "Buddhism and Psychedelics" on October 20, 2012 in Santa Cruz, CA.
Here's the final part the evening's discussion.
YouTube Video, A 1998 Interview Published on Jan 2013
This 1998 interview which was part of the "Pioneers in Research" series.
YouTube Video, Sane Society, September 2012
The video runs for 30 minutes and 22 seconds.
YouTube Video
The first and perhaps only time which Dr. Fadiman has ever spoken publicly of his own very early experiences with psychedelics (happens in the first few minutes). The footage was taken at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) office building in Santa Cruz. The video runs 43 minutes.
YouTube Video
Part 1 of Dr. Fadiman"s interview with Mel Van Deusen on the television show, Present!, of KMVT(Mountain View, CA). The interview runs 28 minutes and 16 seconds.
YouTube Video
Part 2 of Dr. Fadiman"s interview with Mel Van Deusen on the television show, Present!, of KMVT(Mountain View, CA). The interview runs 27 37"
Vimeo Video
This free lecture and quiz by Dr. Fadiman was offered in 2011 with the option to obtain .5 Continuing Education (CE) Hours of Credit
from the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) and Spiritual Competency Resource Center (SCRC)
James Fadiman Psychedelics as Entheogens: How to Create and Guide Successful Sessions from MAPS: Psychedelic Science.
YouTube Video
An excerpt of Dr. Fadiman's 30-minute interview in 1998 from Thinking Allowed
Jeffrey Mishlove was the interviewer, and the interview transcript may be found here.
The interview runs for 10 minutes and 7 seconds.
YouTube Video
On the Transpersonal with James Fadiman, Ph.D.
Dr. James Fadiman notes, "This video was made in l997 and is a brief introduction to Transpersonal psychology, nothing else."
The video runs for 16 minutes and 48 seconds.
YouTube Video
An interview of Dr. Fadiman with Magenta of San Francisco Bay Area Evolver. The interview runs 24 minutes.
YouTube Video
Dr. Fadiman addresses the question, "How often should you use psychedelics?" This excerpt is from an interview done at the 2011 Science and Nonduality Conference.
The interview runs 1 minute and 39 seconds.
YouTube Video
An excerpt of a book reading that Dr. Fadiman did in April 2012 at East West Bookstore
The interview runs 10 minutes and 16 seconds.
YouTube Video
Here is Dr. Fadiman talk at the San Francisco Conference, "Entheo-Visioning: Exploring Entheogenic Potentials" held on April 26, 2012
The talk runs 1 hour 2 minutes and 5 seconds.
Audio and Radio Broadcast Archives
May 22, 2018
An interview by illiterateprose podcast
It runs for 1 hour 11 minutes.
Please click here stream the interview
May 27, 2018
An interview by Christopher Ryan of the Tangentially Speaking Podcast
The interview runs for 33 minutes and is between 0:10:49 - 1:44:22
It is episode #323 of the podcast
Please click here stream the interview
January 10, 2018
An interview by the Psychology Podcast with Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman
The interview runs for 50 minutes and 18 seconds
Please click here and scroll down the page to stream the interview
The podcast is also at the bottom of this webpage from Sofia University
October 14, 2017
An interview by Christopher Ryan
Dr. Fadiman comments: "The discussion ranges far wider than psychedelics, also including a book I'm co-writing on healthy multiplicity. Warning: Our actual discussion does not begin until minute 25. Before that, Chris talks about distinctly different topics."
Please click here to stream the interview.
The interview runs for 1 hour 12 minutes and begins at 25'40".
August 14, 2017
An interview by Kyle Thiermann
Dr. Fadiman comments: "In this podcast I am also talking about the other work i'm doing with healthy multiplicity."
Please click here to stream the interview.
The interview runs for 1 hour and 1 minute.
June 28, 2017
An interview by Lisa McDonald of "Living Fearlessly"
Please click here to stream the interview.
The interview runs for 56 minutes and 22 seconds.
June 7, 2017
An interview by Daniel Cleland
Please click here to stream the interview.
The interview runs for 37 minutes and 25 seconds.
April 26, 2017
An interview by Sean Dunne of Very Ape
Please click here to stream the interview from Soundcloud.
The interview runs for 24 minutes.
November 22, 2016
An interview by Maharishi Thom Knoles of Vedic Meditation
The interview runs for 1 hour and 5 minutes.
November 4, 2015
An interview by Zach Leary on his podcast,
It's All Happening.
Please click here to go to the page with the interview
September 21, 2015
An interview by the Students for Sensible Drug Policy at UC Davis, California.
This is a louder version of the interview that has since been deleted. Here's the link to download it.
The interview runs for 55 minutes.
An interview with Matt Landis, Chris Conte, and Tim King on the Tink Tink Club Podcast. The interview ran for 1 hour and 14 minutes. June 17, 2015
An interview on the podcast, The Human Experience.
Please click here for the podcast.
Please click here to listen to the show from the
Human Experience webpage.
The interview runs for 48 minutes. June 3, 2015.
A talk by Dr. Fadiman at Sofia University, Palo Alto, CA. The event was entitled, "Psychedelic Experience: New Uses and Research". Dr. Fadiman's talk is at 28:19 - 1:01:56. April 17, 2015.
An interview with Tim Ferriss of the podcast,
"The Tim Ferriss Show"
Please click here to listen.
The interview is Ep. 66, 3/20/2015 and runs for 1 hour and 39 minutes. March 21, 2015
August 20, 2013.
An interview with Al Lundell on the "Dr. Future Show"
KSCO 1080AM Radio , Santa Cruz, CA.
May 26, 2013.
An interview of Dr. Fadiman by Steve Paulson
"To the Best of Our Knowledge" on Public Radio International.
The interview runs for 16 minutes.
Please click here and then click "Listen" to hear the interview, read the show's transcription, and for download and share options.
Please click here for details about Steve Paulson's extended interview with Dr. Fadiman and for download and share options. You may click the page's "Extended Interview" button on the page to hear the interview.
This extended interview runs for 46 minutes.
October 2, 2012
An Interview with Dr. Miller of Open Mind Radio,
Here's the archive of the show which can be streamed or downloaded:
The interview runs 50 minutes and 18 seconds.
July 22, 2012.
An interview with Terrence McNally
Please click here and click the "play" button
Dr. Fadiman's interview starts at 0:36:12 after that of Dr. Charles Grob.
March 11, 2012.
An interview with Lorenzo Hagerty of the Psychedelic Salon and Matt Pallmary
Mr. Haggerty said that his inteview with Dr. James Fadiman "may be the most important podcast that I have done so far." Later in the podcast at 01:10:40 Mr. Haggerty invites comments from his well-read friend who calls the book, "Beautifully written."
Please click here to listen or here for the Psychedelic Salon podcast page and look for episode #302.
The interview runs around 1 hour and 21 minutes.
January 4, 2012.
Elaine Smitha on the Progressive Radio Network
December 27, 2011
YouTube Audio Excerpt of Dr. Fadimans upcoming podcast entitled, "Varieties of Psychedelic Experience" from New York Open Center. The excerpt runs 2 minutes 14 seconds
December 16, 2011.
Lanto's Lantern with Host, Suzanna Axisa.
KRWM 106.9FM-HD3 (Bellevue, WA)
Please click here for the podcast. Dr. Fadimans interview is "12/16/11."
The interview runs for 1 hour.
December 3, 2011.
Radio Amerika Now with Host, Barb Adams
Please click here to listen to the show.
The interview runs 1 hour and 10 minutes.
November 23, 2011.
The Recovery Zone on KBOO of Portland, OR with Host, Stephanie Potter
Please click here to listen to the show.
The interview runs 57 minutes.
October 30, 2011.
KGNU Radio 88.5 FM Boulder, CO / 1390 AM Denver, CO / 93.7 Nederland, CO
Tributaries with Host, Robin Claire.
October 24, 2011.
Barry Farber from CRN Radio
October 14, 2011.
Shrink Rap Radio of Sonoma, CA with Dr. Dave.
Please click here and scroll down to listen to the archived show or here to stream it.
The interview runs 1 hour and 9 minutes.
October 10, 2011.
Its Your Health Network in Boston with Lisa Davis
September 24, 2011.
Coast to Coast AM with Ian Punnett
Please click here for the ways to hear the show.
September 19, 2011.
The Six Degrees Show with Anthony Brice
Please click here to download the show or here to stream the show. The interview lasts for 1 hour and 1 minute.
September 8, 2011.
The Frankie Boyer Show
August 2011
The Next Step Show #80 with Daniel Kottke, local Channel 27, Midpeninsula Community Media Center.
August 29, 2011
KZSU 90.1 FM (Stanford University) - The Lunch Special Show
Please click here to listen to the show or here to download the mp3. The interview runs 1 hour and 3 minutes.
August 22, 2011.
KKNW-Seattle, Washington
Mind Matters Radio with Ajayan Borys.
Please click here to listen. Dr. Fadiman's interview starts at 17:20 and runs for 39 minutes with two commercial breaks, one at 33:03 and the other at 44:04.
July 26, 2011 AM 1080 on the Dr. Future Show
Please click here to listen.
The interview runs 45 minutes.
June 27, 2011
KZSU 90.1 FM (Stanford University) - The Lunch Special Show
Please click here to listen to the show or here to download the mp3.
The interview runs 59 minutes.
June 23, 2011
Progressive Radio Network with Erik Davis
August 1992
American Psychological Association, Centennial Conference
Running time: 31 mins